Monday, December 1, 2014

I got fat this week!


So to start off I want to talk about Thanksgiving. Besides being an awesome day of gratitude it was a hefty one! English Elders invited us to join a dinner with their members. They were so nice and funny! They were also Polynesian. They cooked like Polynesians. They were roasting a pig, that was killed a couple hours before, as we walked onto their property! They had so much food! And they were not the wealthiest family. The sister had a firm testimony that if she did all she could and gave all she had to the missionaries, the Lord's representatives, that she would be blessed. It reminded me of the widow's mite. They were so kind and I know that they will be blessed! We also left with tons of leftovers!!

This week we also went to the clinic! Elder Teio had hurt his ankle a couple weeks ago and it hasnt healed. On Tuesday in interviews with President Passey, he said to go visit a clinic today. It turned into a whole day adventure. Elder Teio forgot his passport at the AP's apartment. He was in a trio with the AP's for a short time while missionaries were moved around for various reasons. So we had to drive up there to main Tucson. So Elder Tyler and I taught a lesson with one of the AP's while the other went with Elder Teio to their apartment to get his passport. We then rushed to dinner then went back to the clinic. We spent a lot of time waiting in the lobby then waiting in the room. Then waited some more for the x-ray, the results, the nurse/doctor to say that they dont really know, then waited some more for the boot. They know it isnt broken but he would have to get and MRI to see if anything happened to the ligaments.

I now understand a hidden purpose of missions, to appreciate Mothers. I really love my mom and appreciate all the times she sat in a clinic or hospital with me as I sat there, trying to hide my pain, and trying to make jokes to lighten the mood. I now understand what the flip-side is! 

I also got a sweater from Old Navy that I love now! It is kinda cold here but I am staying warm in my nice sweater!

Teaching was interesting this week with it being a holiday. Our teaching pool has changed a ton and we need to do some serious finding. We will be trying new tactics and using the new "He is the Gift" message for this holiday season. We are confidant and full of faith that we will be able to find some awesome investigators!

Hope all is well and that everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Elder Dallin Baker

1 comment:

  1. You learn so much every week!! Thanks for sharing :-)
