Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Douglas Week 2: Español and the Drive

¡Buenos días!
Tuvimos una conferencia con los otros misioneros de Español el jueves
pasado y nos animó a mejorar nuestro esfuerzo de usar, practicar, y
magnificar nuestro Español. Entonces, voy a escribir un poquito de mi
carta en Español. No estoy usando Google Translate.

So in English, we had a great Spanish conference with all the Spanish
missionaries. It went super well and we got super excited about
putting more effort into bettering our Spanish abilities. So I will
write a bit of Spanish in my emails. Just so you know, I am not using
Google Translate.

Monday: Regular stuff. We played some basketball and volleyball with
the sisters then visited the Last family, Ben and Tiff. After dinner,
we went and knocked. We encountered a preacher that invited us in then
began to "investigate". A better definition would be "Bible Bash". So
that was fun for the last 2 hours of the day to get home way late
because he wouldn't let us go. Not! But it just showed me that some
people have hard hearts and they are not open to anything else.

Tuesday: pretty good day despite appointments falling through. We did
have a nice lesson about the priesthood with a young man named Jaren.
It was a really powerful lesson and it was visible that it impacted
him. Later, we had a first lesson with Mike. The Daltons, some members
in the wars brought him to church last Sunday. He is very interesting.
Not sure how solid he is. He may not be all there mentally.

Wednesday: Meetings! I had a coordination Skype call with our Zone
Leaders then we had district meeting. It went pretty well then we had
some stuff fall through. We decided to spend some time setting up
plans and maps for a special list we got about members. It was the
most effective use of our time. Then we went on a dirt road adventure
to find a member. No luck but we did find an interesting thing on the
side of the road. A video is attached at the end. Later, we prepped
some stuff for leaving the next morning.

Thursday: Spanish conference! Yay! But it meant that we had to wake up
early and leave at 6:30. When we got in the car, it was 21*F outside.
😱😵😖 So I drove 2 1/2 hours to Tucson. We then had to drop our car
off at a shop for repairs. Elder Paxman and Elder Hernandez picked us
up and took us to the meeting. It was an awesome meeting! I learned so
much about learning Spanish now and for after my mission! After, Elder
Penrod went with Elder Rees and Stidham for lessons and I went with
Elder Driaza and Cook. We had some good lessons and dinner. For dinner
it was chicharrones. Not my favorite... Later we had coordination
meeting so I just sat there. Elder Hernandez and Paxman were there so
I went with them after the meeting. We dropped our stuff and Elder
Paxman at the apartment and he stayed there with Elder Ryum and
Crockett. They came up for the meeting and stayed in to plan and be
there for a meeting on Friday. So Elder Hernandez and I went to pick
up Elder Penrod and a mattress. 6 missionaries in an apartment meant
we went to bed a little later than 10:30, its kind of like an

Friday: Tired. Elder Ryum, Hernandez, and I went to MLC while our
companions stayed together. The meeting was great and I learned a lot!
There was also super good food! Meeting started at 9 and ended about
3pm. The car was finished during the meeting and brought to the
meeting. We were at the building with the mission office. So I had the
car and keys but no companion to go with. Due to other mishaps with
other companionships on key misplacement, I left with Elder Gonzalez
and Elton in my car. We drove from North Tucson all the way to my last
area in South Tucson. We dropped off elder Elton and picked up Elder
McWilliams and Cook. We then took Elder Cook to Elder Driaza in
Central Tucson. Then went to East Tucson to pick up Elder Penrod and
our bags. Then we drove back to North Tucson so Elder Gonzalez and
McWilliams could leave. Elder McWilliams had the keys in South Tucson
while the truck was in North. So we dropped them off at 6:45. I had
been driving around all of Tucson for about 3 hours. We stopped at
Quiktrip and I got a soda, box of Mike&Ikes, a hotdog, and a bathroom
break and I was ready. We then made the trek home to Douglas. We got
home exhausted at 9:45. So I drove for like 6 hours on little sleep.
We were protected on the way home and I know I was blessed to stay
awake and alert the whole way.

Saturday: pretty good day except I was tired the whole time. I had to
lay down a bit. We did have a great lesson with Mike and the Daltons
as we read from the Book of Mormon. After, we had a nice visit with a
less active family, the Christie family. He works at the prison and he
has a shift on Sunday so now we know a reason why he doesn't come to
church. We finished the night by taking care of some planning and goal
setting after the meetings and conferences we had.

Sunday: I could see my breath in the car this morning. Las reuniones
en la iglesia hoy fueron muy bien. Enseñamos la lección para los
jóvenes sobre Helaman 5 y fue muy bien. Después de las reuniones,
tuvimos cena con la familia Velasco, la familia del obispo. Ellos son
muy divertidos y chistosos. Después fuimos a visitar una referencia.
Ella no contestó entonces fuimos a visitar Brother Cluff. Tuvimos una
buena lección con él sobre 2 Nefi 31. Después fuimos a la capilla para
ver el devoto de la navidad de la Primera Presidencia de la Iglesia. Y
después volvimos a casa para planear nuestra lección por seminario

Hope you all have a great week!

Elder Dallin Baker

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